International Committee

Objective of International Committee

Medical equipment is essential in modern medicine and its development and clinical application will be further enhanced. Japan’s clinical engineering technologist is the only one national certificate in the world that allows its holder to be in charge of clinical use and safety
control of the equipment as a member of medical team approach.
We believe that the development of clinical engineers and closer communication among them are strongly required now as the technology and knowledge of clinical engineering can contribute to the medicine of the world.
Medical development and stable supply of medical services are eternal challenges for everyone and we, at Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologist, believe that we are capable of contributing to the developing countires and advance nations as well in various forms.
It is the time for Japan’s clinical engineering that has supported and grew together with medicine at home to aim at the global standard. This has motivated us to the establishment of “World Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists or WACET” (tentative name) and organizing its first convention in Japan.

3 Major objectives of International Committee

1. Closer communication with other industrialized nations and information collection through positive participation in international conventions

2. Technological cooperation in the areas of clinical engineering and blood purification, transfer of clinical engineer system to and exchange with China.

3.  Dissemination of clinical engineering mind-set and development of internationally-minded people through participating in JOCV, Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Program  and Senior Volunteers Program of JICA, Japan International Cooperation Agency.
International Committee is most willing to support the sharing of clinical engineers and its technologies. For that end, JACET members’ understanding, cooperation and participation will be highly appreciated.

Japan Association for Clinical Engineering Technologists

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公益社団法人 日本臨床工学技士会 



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